
How to Become a Member
Why not join this growing organization of RV owners who enjoy working for the Kingdom and having a fun time, too? Complimentary RV space with water, electric and sewer hookups are provided to the ROAM volunteers in return for his/her donated labor to the host camp, church or special project. Click Here to see the ROAM Brochure.
If you would like to join ROAM or renew your membership, you may pay dues online by using your computer or smartphone.
CLICK HERE and you will be taken to a secure website page to pay dues or make a one-time donation. Pay using your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, credit/debit cards, or mail a check to our office!
Why not join this growing organization of RV owners who enjoy working for the Kingdom and having a fun time, too? Complimentary RV space with water, electric and sewer hookups are provided to the ROAM volunteers in return for his/her donated labor to the host camp, church or special project. Click Here to see the ROAM Brochure.
- Read, print, and sign the ROAM Membership Commitment and Mission Statement. (see below).
- Print the Application and Skill Sheet, complete it, and send it and the signed Membership Commitment to the ROAM office with your check for $50 (per RV) plus $5.00 per person (for a background check) payable to ROAM (unless you have completed a recent FBI background check and can send us that information). Mail to: RVs On a Mission, PO Box 480876, Kansas City, MO 64148
- Then pick out your preferred project by clicking on the Projects tab at the top of the page, notify the ROAM office of your choice by email or phone (to make sure that it is still available) and you are on your way! It’s that simple.
- ROAM Membership Commitment-Mission Statement
- New Member Application/Skill Sheet
- Fillable Membership Application/Commitment Statement combo (Can be completed on your laptop or desktop computer and then printed or downloaded.)
If you would like to join ROAM or renew your membership, you may pay dues online by using your computer or smartphone.
CLICK HERE and you will be taken to a secure website page to pay dues or make a one-time donation. Pay using your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, credit/debit cards, or mail a check to our office!